Volunteering with STARS

STARS works in collaboration with the Stratford Police Department, Animal Control Division.  This joint force has established a program vital to the operation of the Animal Control Facility and our volunteers make a great impact, in many areas.  Today, volunteers assist in the care of animals housed in the Animal Control Facility and provide support for various fundraising and humane education programs.

General Guidelines

•          Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older.  
•          Volunteers must be able to commit to a minimum of 5 hours per and our annual Fall Festival in October.  
•          Volunteers must possess a functioning email address and access to the internet, as this is the main method of communication.
•          Complete a minimum of 12 hours of supervised training while being punctual and attending all training classes.
•          People seeking to serve court mandated community service cannot be accommodated.
•          People seeking to earn community service hours towards requirements for other organizations cannot be accommodated.
•          People seeking to fulfill their ABC Dog Training Certification Requirements cannot be accommodated.
•          People with a criminal history record cannot be accommodated.
•          STARS may obtain the criminal history record of prospective volunteers.  

Steps to Becoming a Volunteer

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with STARS!  We rely on our great volunteers to help with many aspects of animal welfare and humane education.  Without them we could not do all that we do!  We are extremely fortunate to consistently have an overwhelming response from individuals wanting to become a part of STARS. Volunteer Orientation is held on an as needed basis as openings become available. In order to ensure that each new volunteer gets one-on-one attention and the opportunity for hands on application of what they are learning in the required 12 hours of training, there is limited capacity. Please review the descriptions of the STARS Volunteer Opportunities at the bottom of this page, as well as any pre-requisites and commitment levels associated with each opportunity. As part of the application process, you will be required to select the type of volunteer role you wish to commit your monthly hours to.

STARS Volunteer Opportunities

Creative Consultants
We always need creative people who come with prior experience in the areas of grant research/writing, web design, periodic newsletters/flyers, logo and shirt designs, web postings and other marketing projects. You can assist us in promoting the adoptable animals at the Stratford Animal Control Facility, create promotional materials and utilize your talents/passions to help animals.

Commitment Level: No Minimum Commitment, as needed basis as it relates to assigned projects. Please e-mail president@stratfordanimalrescue.org if you are interested in being a creative consultant.

Events & Organizational
Do you enjoy interacting with the public? Do you have stellar communication skills? Events & organizational volunteers are needed to set up tables on behalf of STARS at the shelter and local events and communicate information about our organization, answer questions, and sell merchandise. Major responsibilities include hosting adoption events at the Stratford Animal Control Facility and booths at local festivals/animal awareness events, provide on-going announcements to radio/television and newspapers of events hosted by STARS, make/post flyers at various local businesses, organize fundraising activities (candy & tag sales, Fall Festival) to provide funding for food, medical care, and necessities for the animals impounded at the Stratford Animal Control Facility, attend Town Council meetings/work with town officials to request capital improvements for the Animal Control Facility and facilitate humane education programs for children. In addition, will help to keep the shelter clean with duties such as sorting through and putting away donations, organizing storage and closet areas, weeding and landscaping the grounds and more.

Commitment Level: Long-term, assigned a consistent 2 hour shift each week of Special Events & Organizational Activity. Attendance at Bi-monthly Volunteer Meetings

Register Here

Dog Handling
Provide socialization, exercise, enrichment and basic training for the shelter dogs.  Major responsibilities include moving dogs in and out of their kennels, walking dogs outdoors for exercise using the required equipment and appropriate handling, cleaning up after dogs while outside of their cages, and teaching basic obedience regularly and in a consistent manner in accordance with shelter training methods and policies. Dog Handlers must attend one hour of continuing education classes every month. Dog handlers must be able to safely handle large, strong dogs; must be comfortable working around and cleaning animal waste; must be able to bend and stoop. Those signing up for dog handling must be comfortable around all types of dogs and must commit to self-study of the volunteer manual, policies and procedures at home. A test and evaluation will be given at the completion of the 12 hours of training to ensure that each individual is capable of safely and independently performing the necessary dog handling functions.

​Commitment Level: Long-term, assigned a consistent 2 hour shift each week of Dog Handling Activity. 1 Continuing Education Class per month, Attendance at Bi-monthly Volunteer Meetings.

Closed until 2025. Check back in May.

Cat/Small Animal Care & Handling
Provide socialization, enrichment and exercise for the shelter cats.  Major responsibilities include engaging cats/kittens in play exercise with toys, cuddling, utilizing our cat socialization room to give the cats time outside of their cages, cleaning up after the cats while outside of their cages, assisting in cattery cleaning, and attending continuing education classes. Cat handlers must be comfortable working around and cleaning animal waste; must be able to bend and stoop. A test and evaluation will be given at the completion of the 12 hours of training to ensure that each individual is capable of safely and independently performing the necessary cat handling functions.

Commitment Level: Long-term, assigned a consistent 2 hour shift each week of Cat Handling Activity. Attendance at Bi-monthly Volunteer Meetings

Register Here

​Kitten Bottle Feeding Program

Commitment Level: Long-term (as needed)

Garden Club

Weeding, planting and maintenance of the Animal Control Facility flower beds.

Commitment Level: Weekly 1-3 Hours weekly during the season, Attendance at Bi-monthly Volunteer Meetings.

​Paws to Read 

Program is on-going. Please reference the Humane Education Tab for more details.